Latest Publications

Effect of Gaussian and Bessel laser beams on linear and nonlinear optical properties of vertically coupled cylindrical quantum dots.

Sargsian, T.A., Mantashyan, P.A., and Hayrapetyan, D.B.

Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 33, p.100936, 2023.

Hydrogen-like donor impurity states in strongly prolate ellipsoidal quantum dot.

Hayrapetyan, D.B.

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 145, p.115493, 2023.

Nonlinear optical properties of coupled quantum dots in peanut configuration.

Hakobyan, E.S., Baghdasaryan, D.A., Kazaryan, E.M., Mantashyan, P.A., and Hayrapetyan, D.B.

Philosophical Magazine, pp.1-16, 2023.

Optical Properties of Conical Quantum Dot: Exciton-Related Raman Scattering, Interband Absorption and Photoluminescence.

Gavalajyan, S.P., Mantashian, G.A., Kharatyan, G.T., Sarkisyan, H.A., Mantashyan, P.A., Baskoutas, S., and Hayrapetyan, D.B.

Nanomaterials, 13(8), p.1393, 2023.

Modeling of Quantum Dots with the Finite Element Method.

Mantashian, G.A., Mantashyan, P.A., and Hayrapetyan, D.B.

Computation, 11(1), p.5, 2023.

Talbot effect in InAs/GaAs coupled cylindrical quantum dots ensemble.

Mantashyan, P., Mantashyan, G., and Hayrapetyan, D.

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 148, p.115662, 2023.

Impact of Intense Laser Bessel Beam on Excitonic Complexes in Ellipsoidal Quantum Dot.

Bleyan, Y., Sargsian, T., Kostanyan, A., Hayrapetyan, D., and Mantashyan, P.A.

Available at SSRN 4482548.

Effect of Gaussian and Bessel laser beams on linear and nonlinear optical properties of vertically coupled cylindrical quantum dots.

Sargsian, T.A., Mantashyan, P.A., and Hayrapetyan, D.B.

Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects, 33, p.100936, 2023.

Thermal and magnetic properties of electron gas in toroidal quantum dot

D.A. Baghdasaryan, D.B. Hayrapetyan, E.M. Kazaryan, H.A. Sarkisyan

Non-Linear Optical Properties of Biexciton in Ellipsoidal Quantum Dot

Yuri Y. Bleyan, Paytsar A. Mantashyan, Eduard M. Kazaryan, Hayk A. Sarkisyan, Gianluca Accorsi, Sotirios Baskoutas, David B. Hayrapetyan

Biexciton, negative and positive trions in strongly oblate ellipsoidal quantum dot

D.B. Hayrapetyan, Y.Y. Bleyan, D.A. Baghdasaryan, H.A. Sarkisyan, S. Baskoutas, E.M. Kazaryan

Non-Linear Optical Properties of Biexciton in Ellipsoidal Quantum Dot

Yuri Y. Bleyan, Paytsar A. Mantashyan, Eduard M. Kazaryan, Hayk A. Sarkisyan, Gianluca Accorsi, Sotirios Baskoutas, David B. Hayrapetyan

Biexciton, negative and positive trions in strongly oblate ellipsoidal quantum dot

D.B. Hayrapetyan, Y.Y. Bleyan, D.A. Baghdasaryan, H.A. Sarkisyan, S. Baskoutas, E.M. Kazaryan

Exciton states and interband absorption of cylindrical quantum dot with Morse confining potential

D.B. Hayrapetyan, E.M. Kazaryan, T.V. Kotanjyan, H.Kh. Tevosyan